Wednesday, February 28, 2007

More Posters (Correction)

Chris who posted on this was right. I totally forgot to transfer these pictures to RGB format. The Posters above are how they originally looked for the client. the pictures below are an affect of having the posters in CMYK. I might have to do a post about channels and formatting (for myself). Good job Chris!

Here are two posters I recently put together for a Band. Strange thing though, when I up loaded them to blogger the jpeg's changed color. Originally the top one had a dark green color background and the red was dark blue and the second one had a blue background. Just wondering if anyone else has had color shifting like that when using jpegs. Discuss and reply.


Chris said...

Odd, Was the art RGB to begin with? or could there be some CMYK or other channel name coversion monkey business taking place. Odd.

mark said...

You were right Chris. Thanks for posting!