Friday, September 08, 2006

Old wanted poster

I love the look of aged paper and have seen it used in many different and interesting ways for a design concept. It is a great way to portray a modern concept in an old format. Sorta like finding an ipod manual in an Egyptian crypt. The old complements the new.

The Poster above is something I did for a coworker's wedding shower. He loves spicy food so I immediately thought a Southwest style. And yes we both work with a lot of women, hence the wedding shower for a guy.

Post any questions you have about distressing the photo or how to get that yellowing paper look. Remember there is no dumb question. Enjoy!

1 comment:

cvh said...

Well ... I think if you are going to show this off like a tough guy, you should change "senior" to "seƱor."

And then print me off a new copy.